Many books series these days have become longer and
longer. It used to be an author would just write one hit book, then come up with
a new idea. But now authors have been dragging the story on and on to make more
money that way. I’m not saying that I don’t like books that are a part of a series,
I’m only asking why authors have become more dependent of writing entire series.
Maybe authors have started writing more and more books as part of series because they have come up with a great idea and just have a lot of ideas for that idea. Such as with the Hunger Games, the author had a great story line, with many important details. She just had so many ideas that she was able to write a great trilogy. I think that if you have a great story with enough details to back it up then you should write a trilogy. But I think after three books, it just get to be too much. Another great example of having an amazing book series is the Harry Potter series. JK Rowling did an amazing job of incorporating all of the small details into all of the seven books. She thought of details that nobody realizes until pointed out to them, which are in even the later books. She had everything planned out for the very beginning, which made for an excellent book series. After three books, authors just begin to rattle on and on about pointless ideas that aren’t even relevant to the book. Such as with the books Pretty Little Liars, I absolutely love these books and the television show, but after about the seventh book I just stopped reading. This series has almost twenty books now, and I just got sick of it, because the stories were just spins off of the other books, with the same underlying meaning. With these types of books I feel like you could make more money if you spent your time thinking of a new hit seller instead wasting your time writing endless books about the same topic that not many people actually care about anymore.

Another reason why authors may want to write a series instead of just one book is because they can make more money off of just writing one book. If you write a top selling book, authors feel the urge to write a second or third, to see if the luck is still in their favor. However out of all of the book series I have read, the first book is always the best out of the series. Usually, the rating of the book goes down from there, with every book after the first being a little worse than the first.
In conclusion there are many reasons for why a
author may decide to write a series instead of just one book, ranging from
being out of ideas, to having to many ideas, or just being in it for the money.

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