Thursday, January 23, 2014

Has Hollywood run out of ideas for movies?

It seems nowadays that all of the “new” movies coming out these days aren’t very original anymore. It seems as if Hollywood has officially run out of movie ideas and is making lamer and lamer movies, which are becoming intolerable to watch. Every movie in this generation is the same concept with the same ending. Every movie is just a twist off of the last movie made, which is really making movies not as fun to watch anymore. Movies used to be where you would expect what was going to happen, and really blew the viewer’s minds but not since we are so used to watching movies, nothing excites us anymore, with of course an exception to some amazing movies.

It seems as if Hollywood has run out of ideas and is just making a series of movies. So if they had a good first movie, they want to keep that going and add like five more movies onto that movie. But we all know that the second movie is never as good as the first one. It seems like this is all the movie writers, producers, and actors film these days are repeats of the first movie. Some examples of my point is Iron Man, Twilight, Anchor Man, and The Avengers. Don’t get me wrong I love a lot of these movies, but seriously the people in Hollywood can’t do any better than this.
Another reason why I think that most of Hollywood has run out of movies ideas is because they just make remakes of old classic movies. Most of the time I don’t mind when they remake movies because you can see more modern actors in the movies, instead of the actors that nobody knows about anymore, but when they completely screw up the movie they are remaking, it makes me really mad. That movie is a classic because of the way it was written and performed so when someone changes everything in the movie, to give it a more modern feel, or to relate it to the audience more, it just plain messes up the entire movie.

On the other hand there are a lot of great movies out there that do get a lot of recognition for being great movies, and truly do deserve the appreciation that they get, because the writers and producers actually took the time to write a great movie, instead of taking a movie already made and changing it a little bit and calling it their own.

Overall I think that if you take the time to write a great movie then it deserves to do good in the movie business, but just like everything else in life, if you slack off then you shouldn’t receive the perks of having a great movie. 

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