Sunday, April 13, 2014

Movie Theater Prices

Back in the thirties someone could go to the movie theater and watch any movie they wanted for only a nickel. So why have modern day movie theaters been steadily increasing the price of the movie and of the food they sell. Why do people continue to spend their money on these high priced movies?
One reason why people continue to go back to movie theaters even when you have to pay a fortune to see a two hour film is because the movie trailers are so riveting and intriguing that people can’t stand not seeing the movie right away. For me however I just wait until the movie comes out of theaters, or they show the movie at cheap theater in my town. Some people however can’t wait to see these movies, so they spend so much of their money on overpriced movies and food.

This leads me to the next reason, the food. Everyone has either said or heard someone else say, “nothing compares to movie theater popcorn!”. I too agree with this statement, but movie theaters take that phrase for granted. Movie theaters make you pay so much just for a small bowl of popcorn, then make a deal where is you pay only a dollar more you can get a large. People see this as a good deal but really they are making more money, and making you eat a lot more popcorn then you actually need. This goes along with the drinks also. One small pop is like seven dollars. You would think, who is going to pay that much for a small drink, but then everyone goes ahead and does it anyway, Whenever I go to a movie with my family, we end up spending over sixty dollars on four tickets and food. In my opinion that is ridiculous, and the price of movies and food should go way down.
The last reason why people, especially teens, might still go to movies even though the prices are so outrageous, is because it’s the “cool” thing to do. Nobody wants to be “that” person in the group that didn’t see the movie, so have no idea what everyone else is talking about. Nobody wants to be that friend who didn’t go with the rest of the group to a high priced movie. In our society, that would be unthinkable. But in my opinion it would be unthinkable to go to such a movie that it so overpriced!

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